![]() I feel a little like Michael Bolton. Not the singer, but the character in Mike Judge's Office Space. I've been Mister Justice for as long as I can remember. Now there is a Christian club electronica group with the same name. JUSTICE (as seen below.) ![]() So what's a vigilante to do, when someone kicks their ass and takes their name? I don' know. I might have to change my name. ![]() Originality with super heroes is key... I mean there's not a dozen people called Spider-Man, (forget the clone saga) but in real life I think if a couple of people really had spider-esque powers, they might all start calling them selves spider-man, and set up franchises around the world... but then some of the spider men might not agree on ethics or use of violence or any other reason people generally don't get along and they might want to change there name to. So really, I didn't know much about the music Justice made and I'll admit, I actually like it. So maybe its okay, we can share names, after all Justice isn't a person or a band, its a principle. (and I will save that for another day.) What worries me most about this is that Justice (the band) heavily uses the Cross as their iconography. I have really yet to see what their music has to do with christianity, but regaurdless anyone who has seen their posters our t-shirts or videos, can now associates "Justice" with a big white cross (which as a libertarian brings up all sorts of cynical commentary, but i don't want to get into that.) As someone who could be labeled with some kind of savior complex, I worry about the association between me and Jesus. I mean I already have a big unrelated J on my chest. But I don't want to bring it up especially on the streets of Montreal cause people get crazy about JC. Anyway, Now I have this song in my head. It's got a classy video so. Enjoy. Mx. Justice. |
Saturday, April 26, 2008
oh... Justice... Like that Band? Um No.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
AL GORE!!! and Earth Day!
In an alternate history a lot of good things have happened in the past 8 years since Al Gore won the presidential election. America set the global standard when it came to taking climate change seriously. Trillions of dollars were used on education and health care. Strangely there were know 911 terrorist attacks. George W. Bush choked to death on a pretzel. Dick Cheney was arrested after firing a shotgun at a longtime friend while hunting. But I mean these are just ramblings about parallel realities I got from my psychic homeless friend. He's a quantum mechanic... in a parallel world he's a king, in another world he's a dictator and in three other worlds he was elected democratically. But he's homeless in this one to equal out his karma and get a taste of the everyman experience. yeah its a bit complicated. Anyway, all this earth day action has got me thinking about Al Gore. Conservative critics like to say he's using this global warming hype as a way to get rich and famous... which is bunk as far as I'm concerned... but I've learned to be continuously agnostic about the trustworthiness of politicians. He's using his credibility to bring light to subject that is annoyingly pigeonholed as hippie bullshit. But come on! If you don't believe that global warming is a reality, you should consider running your engine in garage for a couple hours. (oh... disclaimer: don't do that.) Wow... the environment gets me all worked up. I have get some water. Check out this video. So lets go through this list and see how well I did... 1)ECO FRIENDLY HOUSE! I rent my apartment and it is pretty rundown... it's weather stripping skipped town which means its cold in the winter and my kitchen is full of ants in the summer... yipes. 2)TRANSPORTATION! I don't have a car, I walk and use the underground Metro mostly. I'm looking into trains for my next big trip. TIP - 2.5 Push for laws, policies and treaties that take climate change seriously. 3)Energy Star! I guess when it comes to buying stuff I'll tr to get an energy star product, but I find most of my appliances on the street... 4)I found a Carbon Footprint Calculator, the one on the Inconvienient Truth website is only for the United States, but this one covers the globe. My current Carbon Footprint is 5.464! * The average footprint for people in Canada is 20 tonnes. * The average for the industrial nations is about 11 tonnes. * The average worldwide carbon footprint is about 4 tonnes. * To combat climate change the worldwide average needs to reduce to 2 tonnes. My main problem is in my Secondary Footprint which is 2.940, half is due to my eating habits and budget... and if you like to go see movies and thats a goddamn ton of emissions, apparently. 5)Live carbon neutral. I think the amount of re-using and reducing I do is helping balance the scales of Justice, but I guess I could plant a garden. 6)Work related. I have food containers and spill proof mugs but I still have a bad habit of eating out, I try to ask for less wrappers and stuff but sometimes its unavoidable... admitting this makes me feel terrible. 7)Big Business! I don't invest money in anything except food, so I guess that means I should pay for better more friendly foods. Oh and when it comes to writing big business, I'm gonna get my pen out. 8)TEACH OTHERS about this whole process. 9)Vote Green, or for someone who fears melting glaciers more than big business and terrorists. As for that whole inventing something that could reduce existing carbon emissions? I'm working on that too, but I think I more or less stole the idea from Spaceballs. (I was going to post a picture from the movie and while i was searching Google for a good picture, it took me to a blog that was also talking about reducing emissions and was basically making the same comment.) So... I guess I'll have to think of something completely original and not in anyway referencing Mel Brooks. Well that about wrap. Except! I'd like to give some props to Captain Ozone, a real life super hero environmentalist from the future! Who inspires me oh so much. Take Care everyone! Mx Justice! |
Here's a video I thought was nice and clever.
Of course it was on the front page of youtube,
so if your a regular visitor there you've probably seen it.
But if for some reason you only use the internet to read my blog,
I'm happy to share it with you.
Hip Hip Hurray, Happy Earth Day
Mx Justice.
Of course it was on the front page of youtube,
so if your a regular visitor there you've probably seen it.
But if for some reason you only use the internet to read my blog,
I'm happy to share it with you.
Hip Hip Hurray, Happy Earth Day
Mx Justice.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Montage to Fitness.
![]() Wow, do I ever need to get in shape. I mean if I as a would be super hero have one weakness, its weakness. I gotta get fit and I think I know how. My friend and I have been working together in a new work out regiment where I duplicate some classic montages of our favorite movies and b doing so, I'll actually be doing excercise. I can trick my body into doing hard work if I pertend I'm being creative. Yep.... so to start off with, here's a video posted on my friend's youtube channel. Ok, hope you liked it. I'm gonna go drink some eggs... Mx Justice. |
Winter in Montreal
![]() Woah! Where the heck have you been Justice? I have no good excuses. I have been building brain muscle in Montreal reading comic books, wikipedia and existentialist novels. I've been indulging in Poutine and keeping track of my bad habits. Long winter short it was cold and a neer record snowfall. Which makes people suggest that global warming is just a lot of hot air... and they mean metaphorically, not literally. But i think these are just things people think as they dig there cars out of four foot snow falls. ![]() Woot, what a winter. Now... bring on the Heat. Justice. |
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